A vector illustration of the pirate Captain Kidd for a children’s book project caricaturing real pirates from history. Captain Kidd, it seems is the only pirate there is any evidence of having buried treasure
Monthly Archives: March 2013
A vector illustration of the pirate Thomas Tew for a children’s book project caricaturing real pirates from history. Tew was known as the Rhode island pirate and apparently only really had two sea-faring adventures, the first of which was extremely successful making him incredibly rich. The second ended with him being shot in the stomach with a cannon ball, so less successful by comparison!
Watercolour and acrylic illustration of a robot dressed as a knight challenging a dragon. A spread from a children’s book idea I’m working on called ‘Don’t Knowbot’ about an imaginative robot with an identity crisis. Clcik the ‘view full story’ at the top for a close up (sorry it’s not the full story yet, technical issues!)
A vector caricature of the Pope enjoying his recent retirement